This scalable, cost-effective mental health program supports individuals with common mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, or stressful life issues. PM+ fills a gap in behavioral health services by offering early intervention and preventing the need for more acute care.
This version of PM+ adapts Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques for use in communities with few mental health care specialists. The program is designed to help small groups of people improve mental health and psychosocial well-being.
This program includes group sessions for adolescents facing stress, anxiety, and depression, plus sessions for caregivers. Based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy principles, it promotes supportive caregiving and helps adolescents develop effective coping strategies.
This stress management course is designed for large groups of up to 30. Its flexible format makes it an excellent complement to other mental health interventions or as a community intervention within broader community programming.
Strengthening communities, populations and business organizations with vital, impactful mental health solutions
Strengthening communities, populations and business organizations with vital, impactful mental health solutions
By expanding access to essential mental health support, we play a key role in helping groups confront their mental health challenges head-on.
“There is no one-size-fits-all solution. It’s really about meeting people where they are at and giving them the tools they need.”
—Traci Marciniak
CEO, ArcaMind
Partnering with communities to implement early mental health interventions that prevent crises and build supportive inclusive environments. Our programs strengthen relationships, reduce isolation and marginalization, and enhance resilience.
Nonprofit Organizations
Enabling nonprofit organizations to significantly impact their mission by addressing the mental health needs of the populations they serve. Our training programs support the essential objectives of nonprofit organizations.
Business Organizations
Collaborating with business organizations to prioritize mental health and create strategies that address the unique needs of the workplace. Our programs aim to foster a productive, positive work environment and a healthier, balanced life for the workforce.
Explore the impact our training solutions can have on your community, population, or company.
Who we are
Anchored in compassion and guided by excellence, our global mental health network delivers innovative solutions to address community needs, aiming to prevent crises, multiply healing, and foster lasting transformations worldwide.
Training Programs
During our initial call, you may choose to openly discuss the challenges you are facing. We will in turn explain how our expertise can support you.