Adam Brown, PhD
Professor of Psychology (Clinical) and Vice Provost of Research, The New School for Social Research, and Senior Global Mental Health Advisor, ArcaMind
“There is a new way that we can engage people in doing this work. Train them well and then support them to reach communities in need.”

Dr. Adam Brown has extensive experience developing programs to promote mental health awareness, providing training, technical guidance, and support in the creation, implementation, and evaluation of scalable, evidence-based, culturally responsive mental health strategies that can be delivered in a wide range of contexts by non-specialists.
Dr. Brown is a co-founder and member of the Human Rights Resilience Project, an interdisciplinary group of scholars and practitioners carrying out research and creating tools to improve resilience and well-being in the human rights community. He has served as a consultant for organizations such as the United Nations, UNICEF, and Amnesty International. He is the recipient of grants from the National Institutes of Health, USAID, Fulbright, and numerous private foundations. His work has appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journals and as book chapters.

Pedersen, G., Pfeffer, K., Brown, A., Carswell, K., Schafer, A., Willhoite, A., & Kohrt, B. (2022). Identifying core competencies for remote delivery of psychological interventions: A rapid review. Psychiatric Services.
Kormendi, N., & Brown, A. (2021). Asian American Mental Health during COVID-19: A Call for Task-sharing Interventions. Social Science & Medicine: Mental Health.
Heyen, J.M., Weigl, N., Müller, M., Müller, S., Eberle, U., Manoliu, A.,Vetter, S., Brown, A., Berger, T., & Kleim, B. (2021). A multi-module web-based COVID-19 Anxiety and Stress Resilience Training (COAST): Single cohort feasibility study in first responders. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Rahman, N., & Brown, A. (2021). Mental Time Travel in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Current Gaps and Future Directions. Frontiers in Psychology.
McBride, K.A., Harrison, S., Mahata, S., Pfeffer, K., Cardamone, F., Ngigi, T., Kohrt, B.A., Pedersen, G. A., Greene, M.C., Viljoen, D., Muneghina, O., & Brown, A. (2021). Adapting Problem Management Plus (PM+) during COVID-19 in New York City, Europe and East Africa. Intervention.
Paersch, C., Schulz, A., Wilhelm, F. H., Brown, A. D., & Kleim, B. (2021). Recalling Autobiographical Self-Efficacy Episodes Boosts Reappraisal-Effects on Negative Emotional Memories. Emotion.
Marmar, C. R., Brown, A. D., Qian, M., Laska, E., Siegel, C., Li, M., Abu-Amara, D., Tsiartas, T., Richey, C., Smith, J., Knoth, B., & Vergyri, D. (2019). Speech‐based markers for posttraumatic stress disorder in US veterans. Depression and Anxiety, 36, 607-616.
Brown, A. D., Schultebraucks, K., Qian, M., Li, M., Horesh, D., Siegel, C., Brody, Y., Amer, A., Lev-Ari, R., Mas, F., Marmar, C. R., & Farmer, J. (2020). Mental health disorders and utilization of mental healthcare services in United Nations personnel. Global Mental Health, 7.
Bagrodia, R., Knuckey, S., Satterthwaite, M., Singh Sawhney, R., & Brown, A. (2018). Crucial need to improve mental health research and training for human rights advocates. Lancet: Psychiatry.
Krans, J., Peeters, M., Näring, G., Brown, A., de Bree, J., & van Minnen, A. (2018). Examining temporal alterations in Social Anxiety Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The relation between autobiographical memory, future goals, and current self-descriptions. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Rodin, R., Bonanno, G., Rahman, N., Kouri, N., Bryant, R.A., Marmar, C., & Brown, A. (2017). Expressive flexibility in combat veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 207, 236-241.
Brown, A., Kouri, N., Rahman, N., Jocelyne, A., Bryant, R., & Marmar, C. (2016). Enhancing self-efficacy improves episodic future thinking and social decision making in combat veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychiatry Research.
Joscelyne, A., Knuckey, S., Satterthwaite, M., Li, M., Qian, M., Bryant, R.A., & Brown, A.D. (2015). Mental health functioning in the human rights field: Findings from an international internet-based survey. PLOS One.
Other Writings
“Remembering and Forgetting in Transit: The Interplay between Physical Spaces and Memory and Identity,” EuropeNow, 2021.
Can Digital Technology Support Mental Health with Equity? A New Approach to Task-Sharing in NYC in the Pandemic Era, 2021, India China Institute, Pandemic Discourse.
“From the Couch to the Community: The Emergence of Peer-to-Peer Therapy for Refugees in Switzerland,” EuropeNow, October 29, 2019.
“Translating Socio-Cognitive Models of Agency into Migration and Mental Health: A Framework for Individual and Community Empowerment,” EuropeNow, October 29, 2019.
Awards & Honors
Fulbright Specialist Scholar, University of Bahamas-North, 2022
Fulbright Specialist Scholar, University of Bern, 2017 & 2018
Fulbright Senior Scholar, University of New South Wales, 2010
New School for Social Research, Ph.D.
New School for Social Research, M.A.
University of Oregon, B.S.
Professional Affiliations
Human Rights Resilience Group
Association for Psychological Science
International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies
Society of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
Expert Academic Trainers

Adam Brown, PhD
Professor of Psychology (Clinical) and Vice Provost of Research, The New School for Social Research

Rick Gertsema, MS, LP
Senior Mental Health Advisor, Miller-Dwan Foundation

Brandon Kohrt, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Global Health and Director of the Division of Global Mental Health, George Washington University

Traci Marciniak, MBA, CFRE
President, Miller-Dwan Foundation and ArcaMind CEO

Ari Holman
Training and Education Specialist
Languages: English, Spanish
Programs: Problem Management Plus (PM+), Group PM+

Linda Kim
Research Coordinator
Languages: English, Korean, Japanese
Programs: Problem Management Plus (PM+)

Samantha Anduze, MA
Trainer, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidate
Languages: English
Programs: Problem Management Plus (PM+)

Nicole Ross, MA
Trainer, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidate
Languages: English, French
Programs: Problem Management Plus (PM+)

Caroline McEneaney
Trainer, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student
Languages: English
Programs: Problem Management Plus (PM+)